This is a post for those who missed the first train of the Rapture
but are facing the second chance.
You'll be in the period in the red-line of the chart above now.
That period would be the time after the first Rapture
predicted in the Bible.
The whole world you live in is
in the fear of war, famine, and plague.
Moreover, another vaccine imposed by the one world government
is being forced to you.
Knowing what this vaccine really is,
you must be in an extremely tough situation.
"But don't despair of
being left behind."
The remaining time of the seven-year Tribulation,
which you are living in now, is not the judgment time on you.
It is the time of opportunity given to you by God,
who did not give up on you until the sixth seal.
If only you decide to stand on God's side right now,
He will take care of you from that moment,
make you reborn into a child of God,
and give you the strength to overcome until the end.
No doubt about it.
From now on, if you do as I say,
we will meet at the sixth seal
in the kingdom of God.