Chapter 8.

Born Again


Chapter 8.

Born Again

Now on, I'll talk about the most important topic in this post.


「 In reply Jesus declared,
"I tell you the truth,
no one can see the kingdom of God unless
he is born again." 

(John 3:3)

Being born-again refers to 
the rebirth of a soul, which was in death due to sin, into an eternal life. 

Being born-again means the same 
as realizing the love of God.

"If your soul is not born again, you can't go to heaven."

The moment 
you realize the love of God, 
your soul is reborn with eternal life.

"That's what 'being 
born-again' means."

Born-again people

 live clearly knowing that they've been born again.


that is the real experience
 any born-again person can feel.

At the moment you are born again,
 you will clearly know that it has happened and you become
 a people of heaven.

Let’s check if you're
 a born-again person.

If you can answer,
 "Yes, I believe." without any hesitation, you are a born-again person.

Let me ask you five questions.

🔎 1st Question


「 He did not enter
by means of the blood of goats and calves;
but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, having obtained
"eternal redemption." 

(Hebrews 9:12)


A state that goes on endlessly.

Eternal redemption:

The State of redeeming continues to the end

In other words, 
"eternal redemption" means that all the past, present, and future sins are forgiven and redeemed all.

Do you believe that 
all the sins including past, present, and future were forgiven by the blood of Jesus at once?

🔎 2nd Question


「 For it is by "grace"
 you have been "saved,"
 through faith
--and this not from yourselves,
 it is "the gift" of God--
"not by works,"
so that no one can boast. 」

(Ephesians 2:8-9)

Did you receive
"salvation" with gratitude from your heart,
 believing that it was given to you as a free gift for nothing?

🔎 3rd Question 


「 For my Father's will is
that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life,
and I will raise him up at the last day. 」

(John 6:40)

Do you believe in God's word that He gives eternal life to whoever looks to the Son and believes in Him?

🔎 4th Question


    「 Whoever hears my word
and believes him who sent me "has" eternal life and
 will not be condemned;
 he has "crossed over"
 from death to life. 」

(John 5:24)

Do you believe that whoever hears His word and believes in God
 has eternal life and will not be condemned?

Do you believe you have already crossed over
from death to life?

🔎 5th Question 


「 Therefore, "there is now
no condemnation" 
for those who are in Christ Jesus,
because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. 」

(Romans 8:1~2)

Do you believe that
there is now no condemnation for those who believe in the blood of Jesus Christ which forgives all your sins?

If you're unsure about
 at least one of those questions,

 it proves that you're not born again.

That means you're going to hell.


I do not ask you to answer,

"Yes, I believe,"

according to your knowledge.

"Please answer this question."

Do you believe that the father of your flesh is your father?

You'd say
"Yes, I believe," of course.

It was such an easy question.

Because you "know" very well
that the father of your flesh
is your father.

"Did you get it?"

What I asked you is to answer
 "Yes, I believe." as the meaning of "Yes, I know well." above.

I want you to answer to those five questions as the way you know and believe the father of your flesh.

"Answer the 

following questions."


Do you know that 
God has already forgiven all your sins including past, present, and future all at once?

If you're a born-again person, 
you can say "Yes, I know that." 
without any hesitation.

Because you "know" that 
all of your sins were forgiven.

If you say, “I think I may be a born-again person, maybe not,”

it means your soul is still remaining
in death.

Depending on the extent of a

"different gospel" you’ve mistakenly accepted, 
you're going to have a hard time 

to accept God’s unconditional 
true love.

"A different gospel" is as follows. 


「 I am astonished that
you are so quickly deserting the one who called you by "the grace of Christ " are turning to a "different gospel" --which is really no gospel at all. Evidently some people are throwing you into confusion and are trying to pervert
the gospel of Christ.

(Galatians 1:6~7)

The answer is clear.

A gospel that makes you desert
 "the grace of Christ
 (Salvation is a free gift),"
 which is the only gospel of Christ,
 is a "different gospel."

That is,

"a different gospel" indicates
 all the teachings that you need to do something else to enter heaven
 not relying on God's grace.

But don’t worry.

All the born-again people
 have gone through the same path
 as you.

Read the verse below.

All that the Father 
gives me will come to me, 
and whoever comes to me 
I will never drive away.

(John 6:37)

As long as you desperately wish to be born again,

the verse above protects you.

If only your heart is at God, 
you will never be kicked out 

even if you have not been 

born again yet.

"Think about it."

He proved His love 
by sacrificing Himself to save you.

He demonstrated His infinite love 
for you by bearing all the pains, 
insults and humiliation 
(punched, slapped, spitted..) 
from His own creatures.

Do you think He, 

who went through 
all this pain for you, would abandon you?

If you are still suffering
 from not realizing the truth of
God’s words by the time
 of the Rapture,
 He will even appear in front of you showing the nail marks in His hands and make you born again
 and take you with Him.

"That's God

 I know."

If you have a pure heart like a child, you would’ve already been born again by reading this all.

 I know there are still many of you who haven't been born again yet.

In deed,
 you will be born again,
 if only you receive
 ‘God’s free gift - Salvation.’

That’s all!

But you just can’t make
 yourself believe it and get rid of
 the doubts completely.

I have one thing to say
 to those still in doubts.

I kept my promise:

the promise I'll put your name
 on the Book of Life.

"It's your turn now."

Being guided by this writing, 
if you truly seek for the kingdom of heaven and eternal life, 
you are still going to heaven 100%,
 even if you haven’t been 
born again yet.

Keep asking God.
 Keep wanting and praying.

I'm 100% sure that you will be born again and guaranteed eternal life.

That's why I think your name is
on the Book of Life.

Actually, "not yet."

It’s because, 
if you go back to the world 
and its belongings, and live the life without God, you will not be able to avoid the fiery hell.

Let me repeat again.

"Your physical life 
on earth here 
has only five years left, at most."

"It is for sure!"

If you receive
 Jesus Christ in your heart 
before it is too late, 

you have an opportunity 
to go to heaven without tasting death.

I'm talking about the event

that's going to happen very soon.

「 We will not all sleep, 
but we will all be changed--

in a flash, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. 
For the trumpet will sound, the dead will be raised imperishable, and we will be changed. 」

(1 Corinthians 15:51,52)

Now on, 

I'll talk about the most important topic in this post.


「 In reply Jesus declared,
"I tell you the truth,
no one can see the kingdom of God
unless he is born again." 

(John 3:3)

Being born-again refers to the rebirth of a soul, 

which was in death due to sin, into an eternal life. 

Being born-again means the same as realizing the love of God. 

"If your soul is not born again, 

you can't go to heaven."

The moment you realize the love of God, 

your soul is reborn with eternal life.

"That's what 

'being born-again' means."

Born-again people

live clearly knowing

that they’ve been born again.

Because that is the real experience
 any born-again person can feel.

At the moment you are born again,

you will clearly know that it has happened and

you become a people of heaven.

Let’s check

if you're a born-again person.

 If you can answer,

"Yes, I believe." without any hesitation,

you are a born-again person.

Let me ask you five questions.

Useful Tip 📚  

The Abraham Accord 

signed on September 15, 2020

is the covenant written in Daniels chapter 9.


It was confirmed exactly seven years before the Armageddon War, 

which was perfectly matched with "the Feast of Trumpets" schedule

in the Jewish calendar.

The 7-year peace treaty will be canceled because the invasion of Israel begins exactly seven years 
after the treaty.

I don't mean Trump, who negotiated this treaty, is the antichrist, though.

He is like a disposable head used up only for a short while by its body, Satan (the antichrist).

The Armageddon War is 

a four-day war that takes place 

within ten days of the sixth trumpet.

🔎 1st Question


「 He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves;
but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood,
having obtained 
"eternal redemption."  

(Hebrews 9:12)

[Dictionary ]


A state that goes on endlessly


Eternal redemption

The state of redeeming continues 
to the end

In other words, "eternal redemption" means that 

all the past, present, and future sins are forgiven and redeemed all.

Do you believe that all the sins 

including past, present, and future 

were forgiven by the blood of Jesus at once?

🔎 2nd Question


「 For it is by "grace" you have been "saved,"

through faith--and this not from yourselves,

it is "the gift" of God--"not by works,"

so that no one can boast. 」

(Ephesians 2:8-9)

Did you receive "salvation"

with gratitude from your heart,

believing that it was given to you

as a free gift for nothing?

🔎 3rd Question 


「 For my Father's will is that everyone who looks to the Son
and believes in him shall have eternal life,

and I will raise him up at the last day. 」 

(John 6:40)

Do you believe in God's word that 

He gives eternal life to whoever 

looks to the Son and believes in Him?

🔎 4th Question


「 Whoever hears my word and believes him

who sent me "has" eternal life and will not be condemned;

he has "crossed over" from death to life. 」

(John 5:24)

Do you believe that

whoever hears His word and

believes in God has eternal life and

will not be condemned?

Do you believe

you have already crossed over

from death to life?

🔎 5th Question 


「 Therefore, "there is now no condemnation"
for those who are in Christ Jesus,
because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life
set me free from the law of sin and death. 」 

(Romans 8:1~2)

Do you believe that 

there is now no condemnation 

for those who believe in the 

blood of Jesus Christ 

which forgives all your sins?

If you're unsure about at least one of those questions, 

it proves that you're not born again. 

That means you're going to hell. 

I do not ask you to answer, "Yes, I believe,"

 according to your knowledge.

"Please answer this question."

Do you believe that 

the father of your flesh is your father?

You'd say "Yes, I believe," of course. 

It was such an easy question. 

Because you "know" very well that 

the father of your flesh is your father.

"Did you get it?" 

What I asked you is to answer "Yes, I believe." 

as the meaning of "Yes, I know well." above.

I want you to answer to those five questions 

as the way you know and believe the father of your flesh. 

"Answer the following questions."


Do you know that 

God has already forgiven all your sins 

including past, present, and future 

all at once?

If you're a born-again person, 

you can say "Yes, I know that." without any hesitation.

Because you "know" that all of your sins were forgiven.

If you say, "I think I may be a born-again person, 

maybe not," it means your soul is still remaining in death. 

Depending on the extent of a "different gospel" 

you’ve mistakenly accepted, you're going to have a hard time 

to accept God’s unconditional true love. 

"A different gospel" is as follows.


「 I am astonished that you are so quickly deserting the one
who called you by 
"the grace of Christ" are turning to
"different gospel" -- which is really no gospel at all.
Evidently some people are throwing you

into confusion and are trying to pervert 
the gospel of Christ. 」

(Galatians 1:6~7)

The answer is clear.

A gospel that makes you desert

"the grace of Christ (Salvation is a free gift),"

which is the only gospel of Christ,

is a "different gospel."

That is,

"a different gospel" indicates all the teachings 

that you need to do something else 

to enter heaven not relying on God's grace.

But don't worry.

All the born-again people

have gone through the same path as you.

"Read the verse below."

mobile background

All that the Father gives me 

will come to me, 

and whoever comes to me 

I will never drive away.

(John 6:37)

As long as you desperately wish 

to be born again, 

the verse above protects you. 

If only your heart is at God, 

you will never be kicked out even if 

you have not been born again yet,

"Think about it."

He proved His love by sacrificing Himself to save you.

He demonstrated His infinite love for you

by bearing all the pains, insults and humiliation 

(punched, slapped, spitted..) from His own creatures.

Do you think He, 

who went through all this pain for you, 

would abandon you?

If you are still suffering from not realizing

the truth of God’s words by the time of the Rapture,

He will even appear in front of you

showing the nail marks in His hands

and make you born again and take you with Him.

"That's God I know."

If you have a pure heart like a child,

you would’ve already been born again by reading this all.


I know there are still many of you

who haven't been born again yet.

In deed, you will be born again,

if only you receive 'God’s free gift - Salvation.'

That’s all!

But you just can’t make yourself believe it

and get rid of the doubts completely.

I have one thing to say 

to those still in doubts.


I kept my promise:

the promise I'll put your name on the Book of Life.

"It's your turn now."

Being guided by this writing, 

if you truly seek for the kingdom of heaven and eternal life,

 you are still going to heaven 100%, 

even if you haven’t been born again yet.

Keep asking God. Keep wanting and praying.

I'm 100% sure that you will be born again 

and guaranteed eternal life. 

That's why I think your name is on the Book of Life.

 Actually, "not yet."


It’s because, if you go back to the world and its belongings,

 and live the life without God, 

you will not be able to avoid the fiery hell.

Let me repeat again.

"Your physical life on earth here

 has only five years left, at most." 

"It is for sure!"

If you receive Jesus Christ in your heart 

before it is too late, 

you have an opportunity to go to heaven

without tasting death. 

I'm talking about the event 

that's going to happen very soon.

mobile background

「 We will not all sleep, 

but we will all be changed-- in a flash, 

in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. 

For the trumpet will sound, 

the dead will be raised imperishable, 

and we will be changed. 」

(1 Corinthians 15:51-52)

Useful Tip 📚  

The Abraham Accord signed on September 15, 2020 

is the covenant written in Daniels Chapter 9. 

It was confirmed exactly seven years before the Armageddon War, 

which was perfectly matched with "the Feast of Trumpets" 
schedule in the Jewish calendar.

The 7-year peace treaty will be canceled because 
the invasion of Israel begins exactly seven years after the treaty.

I don't mean Trump, who negotiated this treaty, is the antichrist, though. 

He is like a disposable head used up only 

for a short while by its body, Satan (the antichrist).

The Armageddon War is a four-day war that takes place 

within ten days of the sixth trumpet.