
Let me briefly introduce myself, 

since you probably wonder about me after reading this book.

I am a Christian who left church 30 years ago. 

I was born again by reading the Bible alone.

"I am just a layman Christian."

"But I have read the Bible over hundred times."

I'm not saying this to show off.

I’m saying this because you might ignore 

this message for it is written by a layman like me 

who knows nothing about the Bible.

"The 7-Year Empty Calendar,"

I mentioned earlier. 

This is a diagram that I saw in my dream 

early in the morning of November 24, 2020.

"The calendar ending on October 2nd, 2027"

Immediately after I woke up, 

I drew this table before I forgot.

I don’t lie in front of God.

I still have the post on my blog

that proves right what I’m saying now.

Also, there are many witnesses who have read

the "End-Time Series" from the beginning.

The empty 7-year calendar is the only thing

I’ve got like a revelation from God.

Since then,
some ideas just popped up in my mind,

which led me to find out more.

And that always got me to end up
with something I didn’t expect.

It has been revealed like sweet potato vines

over and over for the last 2 years.

But I never said until recently 

that I was being used by God.

I didn’t understand why I had found things like this.

I never thought that He needed someone like me for His purpose.

But now,

I can talk about it a little.

I feel like I’ve been used by God for His purpose. 

Because it’s impossible for an unwise man like me 

to find those messages from God.

"I was just a layman 

who knew nothing about astronomy."


The series I’ve posted on my blog 

with new findings is named 

"The End-Time Special."

Do you know when the first post of 

"The Special" was, which has over 420 episodes?

That is...

"October 2, 2020."

"Interesting, right?" 

What I wrote here is just a small part of those series.

All of these contents that I have discovered so far
are in the next website. 


You'll be surprised to see all the secrets and timelines 

of the 7-year Tribulation in Revelation almost revealed.

I do hope you check it out.

I had much more to share in the first part,

but I couldn't put it out all here for space limit.

If you have further inquires about the timeline, 

please email me.

💌 retelcom@naver.com

I will be able to able to answer it 

if I’m not raptured yet.

 1. SIGN


Let me briefly introduce myself, 
since you probably wonder about me after reading this book.

I am a Christian 
who left church 30 years ago.

I was born again 
by reading the Bible alone.

"I am just a layman Christian."

"But I have read the Bible over hundred times."

I'm not saying this to show off.

I’m saying this because 
you might ignore this message 
for it is written by a layman like me who knows nothing about the Bible.

"The 7-Year Empty Calendar,"

I mentioned earlier.

This is a diagram 
that I saw in my dream 
early in the morning of 
November 24, 2020.

"The calendar ending on October 2nd, 2027"

Immediately after I woke up, 
I drew this table before I forgot.

I don’t lie in front of God.
I still have the post on my blog that proves right what I’m saying now.

Also, there are many witnesses
 who have read the "End-Time Series" from the beginning.

The empty 7-year calendar
 is the only thing I’ve got like a revelation from God,

Since then, some ideas
 just popped up in my mind,
 which led me to find out more.

And that always got me to end up with something I didn’t expect.

It has been revealed

 like sweet potato vines over and over for

 the last 2 years.

But I never said until recently that
 I was being used by God.

I didn’t understand
 why I had found things like this.
 I never thought that He needed someone like me for His purpose.

But now,

now I can talk about it a little.

I feel like I’ve been used by God
for His purpose.

Because it’s impossible 
for an unwise man like me to find those messages from God.

"I was just a layman who knew nothing about astronomy."


The series I’ve posted on my blog with new findings is named 

"The End-Time Special."

Do you know when the first post of "The Special" was, which has 

over 420 episodes?

That is..

"October 2, 2020."

"Interesting, right?"

What I wrote here is just 
a small part of those series.

All of these contents
that I have discovered so far are
in the next website.


You'll be surprised to see
all the secrets and timelines of 
the 7-year Tribulation in Revelation almost revealed.

I do hope you check it out.

I had much more
to share in the first part,
but I couldn't put it out all here
for space limit.

If you have further inquiries
about the timeline,
please email me:

💌 retelcom@naver.com

I will be able to answer it
if I’m not raptured yet.

Useful TIP📚  

The mountain peak of prophecy hidden in all the Bible prophecies

All the prophecies 
in the Bible are recorded 
by the prophets as a vision 
through God's viewpoint, 
who is present beyond 
space and time.

The human brain can't tell the time difference between those events 
because they are all scattered throughout the scriptures.

That’s why many biblical scholars have been misinterpreted 
the timeline in Revelation so far.

Useful Tips 📚  

The mountain peak of prophecy 

hidden in all the Bible prophecies

All the prophecies in the Bible are recorded

by the prophets as a vision through God’s viewpoint,

who is present beyond space and time. 

The human brain can't tell the time difference 

between those events because they are all scattered 

throughout the scriptures. 

That’s why many biblical scholars have been 

misinterpreted the timeline in Revelation so far.