Chapter 4.

The Holy City

Read these words of God carefully.


「 Rise and measure the "temple of God,"
and the altar, and them that worship therein.
"the court" which is without the temple leave out,
and measure it not; for it is given unto the Gentiles:
"holy city" shall they tread under foot
"forty and two months." 
(Revelation 11:1,2)

The above verses are the first part of Revelation 11, 

which predict the events prior to the appearance of the two witnesses.

Those verses have led many believers to wait 

for the Third Temple to be built. 

For they believe that the words 

“the holy city shall they tread under foot forty and two months” 

will be fulfilled only after the Third Temple to be built. 

"But, you believer."

Those words mean neither the Third Temple nor Jerusalem.

I proved in the previous chapter that 

"the temple of God" is not "the Third Temple." 

It doesn’t make sense that Jerusalem is descirbed as 

"Sodom, Egypt" in the same chapter 11, 

verse 8, if "the Holy City" is "Jerusalem."

You see? God sees Jerusalem as Sodom and Egypt

We already know that "the temple of God" is "the body of believers."

Bear in mind that and read the following verses.

 1. SIGN

Chapter 4.

Holy City

Read these words of God carefully.


「 Rise, and measure
"temple of God," 
and the altar, and them that worship therein.

But "the court" which is without the temple leave out, and measure it not;
for it is given unto the Gentiles:
and the 
"holy city" shall they tread under foot
"forty and two months." 」

(Revelation 11:1~2)

The above verses are 
the first part of Revelation 11, 
which predict the events 
prior to the appearance of 
the two witnesses.


Those verses have led 
many believers to wait for 
the Third Temple to be built.


For they believe that 
the words “the holy city shall 
they tread under foot forty and two months” will be fulfilled only after the Third Temple to be built.


"But, you believer."


Those words mean neither 
the Third Temple nor Jerusalem.


I proved in the previous chapter that "the temple of God" is not 
"the Third Temple."


It doesn’t make sense that 

Jerusalem is described as 

“Sodom, Egypt” in the same 

chapter 11, verse 8, 

if “the Holy City” is "Jerusalem."

You see? 

God sees Jerusalem as 

Sodom and Egypt.


We already know that 
"the temple of God" is 
"the body of believers."


Bear in mind this and read 
the following verses.

 One of the seven angels 
who had the seven bowls 
full of the seven last plagues came and said to me, 
"Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb."

And he carried me away 
in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the "Holy City," Jerusalem, 
coming down out of heaven from God. 

(Revelation 21:9-10)

It is the scene where
 one of the seven angels shows
 John the Holy City.

However, what the angel describes

 the Holy City is kind of unique.

The angel is saying that
  "the Holy City" is

"the bride of the Lamb."


He should’ve said that

"it’s the Holy City that's beautifully decorated like a bride of the Lamb."


But the angel clearly said,
 "The Holy City is
 the bride of the Lamb."

There must be reason for this.


That verse is a hidden clue,
 like a piece of puzzle,

 of a big picture.



"The Temple of God" is equal to
 "the Body of Believers."

"The Holy City" is
 "the Bride of the Lamb."


Now, read again the verses below switching the words each other;
 for they mean the same.


「 Rise, and measure
the "temple of God,"

 and the altar, and them that worship therein.

But the court which is
without the temple leave out, and measure it not;
for it is given unto the Gentiles: and the "holy city"

 shall they tread under foot
 "forty [and] two months."


(Revelation 11:1-2)


「 Rise, and measure
 the holy spirit of believer,
 and the altar, and them that worship the holy sprit.

But the body of believer leave out, and measure it not;
 for it is given unto the Gentiles:
 and the bride of the Lamb
 shall they tread under foot
 forty [and] two months. 」

"It's clear, right?"

Actually, the true meaning of
this verse is in the Bible already.


God has hidden a clue puzzle 

in another verse so that we can find it, which no one has ever found 

for 2,000 years.

And He revealed it to us NOW.



It’s because this is the very last time before the Lord returns.



「 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end 」
(Daniel 12:4)

「 Seal not the sayings of
the prophecy of this book:
for the time is at hand. 」

(Revelation 22:10)

"The seal has been opened!"


Revelation 11, 
which we are looking into now, 
has a crucial hint for the 7-year timeline.


The hexagon and the decalcomania
are revealed to us at this point.

It’s because God wants us 
to know “NOW” is obviously the last seven years of human history; 
we are in the 7-year Tribulation, today.

Revelation 11 says 
the events of the first 
and second 3.5 years.


The First 3.5 Years

「 The holy city shall they (The Gentiles) tread under foot 

forty and two months. 」
(Revelation 11:2)


The Second 3.5 Years

「 They (Two Witnesses) shall prophecy a thousand two hundred and threescore days, clothed in sackcloth. 」
(Revelation 11:3)

I have a reasonable evidence that they are three and a half years each.

It’s because the Gentiles and 
the two witnesses cannot exist 
in the same space.


「 And if any man will hurt them, 
fire proceedeth out of their mouth, and devoureth 
their enemies: and 
if any man will hurt them, 
he must in this manner be killed. 」
(Revelation 11:5)

The Gentiles can not be around the two witnesses working in Jerusalem;
for the Gentiles will get killed by 

the two witnesses at that very moment it happens.

Let me fill in the decalcomania with those facts.

read the following verses again.


「 Rise, and measure
 the "holy spirit of believer," 
and them that worship 
the "holy spirit."
But the "body of believer" leave out, and measure it not; 
for it is given unto the Gentiles:
and the bride of the Lamb 
shall they tread under foot 
forty [and] two months. 」

It proves that
"The Mark of the Beast 
in the first 3.5 years will 
kill the body, 
not the soul."

That is,

"The Mark of the beast 
in the second 3.5 years will 
kill both the body and 

That’s what it truly means.


「 If any man worships
the beast and his image,
and receive his mark 
in his forehead, or in his hand,
he shall be tormented 
with fire and brimstone and 
they have no rest day nor night. 」
(Revelation 14:9-11)

Got it now? 


The events of the first and second 3.5 years are designed like twins.

The Mark of the Beast 

exists in "both" the first 
and second 3.5 years.

mobile background

「  One of the seven angels who had the 

seven bowls full of the seven last plagues 

came and said to me, 
"Come, I will show you the bride,

the wife of the Lamb."

And he carried me away 
in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, 

and showed me the "Holy City," Jerusalem, 
coming down out of heaven from God. 


(Revelation 21:9-10)

It is the scene where one of the seven angels

shows John the Holy City.


However, what the angel describes the Holy City is kind of unique.

The angel is saying that the "the Holy City" is

"the bride of the Lamb."


He should’ve said that "it’s the Holy City

that's beautifully decorated like a bride of the Lamb."

But the angel clearly said,

"The Holy City is the bride of the Lamb."

There must be reason for this.

That verse is a hidden clue,

like a piece of puzzle, of a big picture.




"The Temple of God" is equal to "the Body of Believers."

"The Holy City" is "the Bride of the Lamb."


Now, read again the verses below switching the words

each other; for they mean the same.


「 Rise and measure the "temple of God,"

and the altar, and them that worship therein.

But the court which is without

the temple leave out, and measure it not;

for it is given unto the Gentiles:

and the "holy city" shall they tread under foot

"forty [and] two months." 
(Revelation 11:1-2)


「 Rise and measure the "the holy spirit of believer,"

and the altar, and them that worship the holy spirit.

But the body of believer leave out, and measure it not;

for it is given unto the Gentiles:

and "the bride of the Lamb" shall they tread

under foot "forty [and] two months." 

"It's clear, right?"

Actually, the true meaning of this verse is in the Bible already.

God has hidden a clue puzzle in another verse 

so that we can find it, which no one has ever found for 2,000 years.

And He revealed it to us NOW.


It’s because this is the very last time 

before the Lord returns. 


「 But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words,
and seal the book, even to the time of the end 」

(Daniel 12:4)


「 Seal not sayings of the prophecy of this book:
for the time is at hand 」

(Revelation 22:10)

"The seal has been opened!"



Revelation 11, which we are looking into now, 

has a crucial hint for the 7-year timeline.

The hexagon and the decalcomania are revealed to us at this point. 

It’s because God wants us to know "NOW" is obviously 

the last seven years of human history;

we are in the 7-year Tribulation, today.

Revelation 11 says the events of 
the first and second 3.5 years.


The first 3.5 years

「 The holy city shall they (The Gentiles) 

tread under foot forty and two months. 
(Revelation 11:2)


The second of 3.5 years

「 They (Two witnesses) shall prophesy 

a thousand two hundred and threescore days, 

clothed in sackcloth. 」
(Revelation 11:3)

I have a reasonable evidence 

that they are three and a half years each.

It’s because the Gentiles and the two witnesses

 cannot exist in the same space.


「 And if any man will hurt them, 

fire proceedeth out of their mouth, 

and devoureth their enemies: 

and if any man will hurt them, 

he must in this manner be killed. 
(Revelation 11:5)

The Gentiles can not be around 

the two witnesses working in Jerusalem; 

for the Gentiles will get killed by the two witnesses 

at that very moment it happens.

Let me fill in the decalcomania with those facts.


Read the following verses again.


「 Rise, and measure
 the "holy spirit of believer," 
and them that worship the "holy spirit."
But the "body of believer" leave out, 

and measure it not; 
for it is given unto the Gentiles:
and the bride of the Lamb 
shall they tread under foot 
forty [and] two months. 」

It proves that

"The Mark of the Beast in the 

first 3.5 years will kill the body, not the soul."

That is,

 "The Mark of the Beast in the 

second 3.5 years will kill both the body and soul."

That’s what it truly means.


「 If any man worship the beast and his image, 

and receive his mark in his forehead, 

or in his hand, and he shall be tormented 

with fire and brimstone and 

they have no rest day nor night, 」
(Revelation 14:9-11)

Got it now?

The events of the first and 

second 3.5 years are designed 

like Twins.

The Mark of the Beast exists in 

"both" the first and second 3.5 years.