1. SIGNChapter 1.
The Hexagon with the
Sun and the Moon
1. SIGNChapter 1.
The Hexagon with the Sun and the Moon
One day,
I made a 7-year schedule table ending on "October 2, 2027."
I call it 7-Year Schedule Calendar.
It covers the period from
October 2, 2020 to October 2, 2027.
I wondered what I should
fill in the blank with.
Then, something came up
in my mind.
"Total Eclipse and Blood Moon"
I filled them in
each month of the calendar.
Then, the following picture came up.
The lines connecting the figures mean the period between them. Then, I wrote the period on each line.
The lines facing each other are symmetric with the exact
number of dates.
You can’t just say,
"It is somewhat amazing."
For it is designed by someone
on purpose!
"You will never make a car
even if you pour out 30,000
car parts on the floor forever!"
Who would draw the picture
in the universe as above?
We know for sure who he is.
He must be God!
"For sure."
Then, why did He draw it
in this universe?
What is it for?
You may notice
the period of the 7-year
if you know the Bible well.
let me mark the day of
the first shot of COVID-19 vaccine
on the hexagon calendar.
The first total eclipse
on the hexagon calendar is
the exact month of the first shot of vaccine in the world.
Some of you would notice
the purpose of the calendar.
Probably, "the identity of
the vaccine" as well.
"What’s surprising is,"
the first total eclipse
on the hexagon calendar was
exactly the same day of the first vaccine shot in the United States.
"December 14, 2020"
What’s even more surprising is
not the day only.
At the moment
when the first vaccine was injected on the nurse’s arm,
there was a total eclipse
in the sky.
[↑ The total eclipse of December 14, 2020 from Stellarium app]
I know it because
I was watching the breaking news
at the moment of the total eclipse.
I even have an evidence
in my post on that day.
"Six months later,"
I found the same hexagonal figure
as the previous one.
The gap between those two hexagonal figures is
exactly 6,000 years.
Again, this is not a coincidence.
Someone with "ORDER"
designed it on purpose.
Let me give you a brief
background story how I found it.
「 And there appeared
a great wonder in heaven;
a woman clothed with the sun,
and the moon under her feet,
and upon her head a crown of twelve stars: 」
(Revelation 12:1)
The verse above is
in Revelation 12.
Some of you might remember that,
"on September 23, 2017,"
the scene in the verse above
literally appeared as
"the wonder sign in the sky."
The scene is extremely rare to see in the sky.
The cycle of Jupiter is 12 years.
At the exact spot Jupiter is
located every 12-year,
the other planets must line up
as well; then,
you can see the very scene.
If one planet is missing out of those,
there wouldn’t be the scene above:
the sign written in Revelation 12.
It's a very rare chance
that the same scene
would come out within
6,000 years of human history.
one Christian astronomer found
the same scene in the sky
while studying it;
it is the following picture
on July 28, 3974 BC.
The very scene in
Revelation 12:1 appeared
in the sky on July 28, 3974 BC again.
Curious about the year,
I filled in total eclipses and
blood moons of that year
in another 7-year calendar.
"Then, there appeared
one more hexagon again."
This is not a coincidence.
Even the order and the period are coincident with the first one.
"It is twins."
Here is the calendar for that time.
Some of you may know
what is in my mind looking at the numbers in the calendar above.
I thought that the day of
"a woman clothed with the sun" was the fourth day of the Creation;
it also would be
the first day of solar and planet cycle, then.
It's because
the day happened to be located
in the middle of a week,
and the seventh day is
"the Sabbath."
「 And on the seventh day
God ended his work which
he had made; and he rested
on the seventh day
from all his work which
he had made. 」
(Genesis 2:2)
But the decisive factor that
convinced me was the first day.
No planet could be seen
in the first day of the world.
However, Stellarium app could show
the sky on the first day;
so I could still watch and check it.
"Total Eclipse!"
It seemed that God told us that
it was the first day of the Creation,
which He proved with
"a total eclipse" on the very first day.
If my assumption is right,
the first day of the Creation began
with a total eclipse.
In short, the Creator of All
left a mark for the first day.
"That’s not the only unusual thing I found."
The week with this sign is
located in the year with "order,"
which can’t be coincidental.
I am just showing you what I found,
not forcing your agreement.
"But it’s not the end."
"Another day,"
I found another hexagon
– the same one I found before.
The gap between these
three hexagonal figures is exactly 4,000 and 2,000 years.
Isn’t it amazing?!
In deed,
I’ve discovered these all
through rare coincidences,
but the next idea intrigued me
most to find out more:
"Order" that God designed
when He created All.
"Exact 6,000 years of human history."
"Then, there might be more."
That is,
'the day of the crucifixion
might be at the location in a
4:2 ratio of human history,'
I thought.
"That's why I searched out more."
Then, something popped out
as always.
"You believer!"
Some biblical scholars point to
the year of the crucifixion as
30 AD or another.
They found out the timeline
by searching through historical records.
But think again.
What if that is mixed up
by Satan?
Because the king of
this world is Satan.
For now,
let me show you the calendar
that had Passover in AD 27;
for the Lamb on the cross was
a Passover sacrifice.
If the Bible record and the year are exactly matched...?
I thought that God must have
designed the event of the crucifixion
and marked it with a certain sign – the hexagonal pattern.
"Tips in advance"
The day of the resurrection is
from the evening after the Sabbath
to the next evening
- the Feast of Firstfruits.
That is,
from Saturday evening to Sunday evening.
The following verse proves that.
「 In the end of the sabbath,
as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week,
came Mary Magdalene
and the other Mary
to see the sepulcher. 」(Matthew 28:1)
They found the empty sepulcher
at the dawn on Sunday.
"Look at the calendar of the
very year."
Even the calendars in those three years
are all identical!
Here is a conclusion.
「 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day
from the night;
and let them be for "SIGNS",
and for seasons,
and for days, and years:
And let them be for lights
in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth:
and it was so. 」
(Genesis 1:14,15)
In the verse above,
the Designer of All, Father God,
left a mark for the most important event in human history using
"the hexagonal sign" in the sky
– "the sign made with the sun
and the moon."
99% is sure, I believe.
"But, you believer."
That is not the only sign
He made in the sky.
"Chapter 2 is about
another one."
One day, I made a 7-year schedule table
ending on "October 2, 2027."
I call it 7-Year Schedule Calendar.
It covers the period from
October 2, 2020 to October 2, 2027.
I wondered what I should fill in the blank with.
Then, something came up in my mind.
"Total Eclipse and Blood Moon"
I filled them in each month of the calendar.
Then, the following picture came up.
The lines connecting the figures
mean the period between them.
Then, I wrote the period on each line.
The lines facing each other are symmetric
with the exact number of dates.
You can’t just say,
"It is somewhat amazing."
For it is designed by someone on purpose!